Moses puts his spin on the classic two-finger tune. Oscar is a fan.
Moses puts his spin on the classic two-finger tune. Oscar is a fan.
Mo spins some tunes so Oscar can show off his moves. Watch for the patented Oscar hair-pulling move. Mo is apparently getting used to this since he does not go ballistic.
Oscar and Mo conduct the orchestra with their drinking straws. Mo says “Massachusetts.”
Mo has a straw for his Mango Lassi. A few minutes later he broke out into hives, 2nd time this week. First time was also after eating fresh mango… so I think we are going to limit his mango intake from now on.
One tickle! Two tickle!
Somehow, these three boys were able to share a toy without fighting, hitting, biting, etc. I admit it, I thought this day would never come.
Maybe the shape sorter exerts some sort of magical sharing force field?
Oscar surveys the neighborhood while Mommy reads Pickle-Chiffon Pie to Moses.
Lately, Mo likes to announce “I’m tired too” even if nobody else has mentioned being tired.
I tire of this crawling. What’s next? Ooh, standing.
Moses insisted on feeding Oscar the other day.
Unfortunately he has not continued to show interest in this activity. We were kinda excited about getting through our own meals uninterrupted but I guess we will have to wait a bit longer…
Jojo steers Oscar into some trouble. Featuring Mo’s Winnie the Pooh car, pimped out specially for Oscar (with safety rails).
Jojo and Momo welcome Nico with kisses. Oscar doesn’t know it but he is no longer the newest baby on the block. Uncle Josh warns Jojo about the speed limit.
For a while, Oscar thought jumping was laugh-out-loud funny. Moses jumps around to make Oscar crack up.