I see cousins looking at me

March 12th, 2009

All four boys, together for the first time.  Jojo reads Brown Bear to the sing-along CD from Studio Grow. Moses looks on. Oscar swings in mommy’s arms. Two-days-old Nico snoozes in the bassinet.

No, see, you can spin it, like this

March 5th, 2009

Moses and Oscar play with the high-chair toy from opposite sides.  In retrospect, I am amazed that this exchange did not end with one or both kids crying.

Mo recites the alphabet

February 24th, 2009

But he’s way more interested in making the sign for airplanes. Nyeeeeeer.

Oscar Marcelino, Filipino

February 22nd, 2009

Moses sings his favorite rhyming song.

Surprise ending.  Well, it surprised the cameraman anyway.

Oscar among the plastic veggies

February 22nd, 2009

Mo serves Oscar some “tea.”

The scene of the accident

February 12th, 2009

Vegetables everywhere!  Shopping cart mishap.  Oscar pouting on the couch, wants out of his cousin Liam’s Texas Longhorns gear.

Now that Oscar is crawling, I’m kinda shocked that there was a time when we were able to just prop him up on the couch and leave him there.  Also, he seems to be having a bad hair month.

Cooking with Lilah

February 8th, 2009

Corinne and Lilah have a pretty awesome play kitchen.  Mo gets cookin’.

The planets align

February 3rd, 2009

The planets align more often than Mo and Oscar’s naptimes.

But it does happen once in a while.  Video proof:

If memory serves, Oscar woke up about two minutes after Mommy shot this footage.

DJ Oscar

February 2nd, 2009

I can sit up.  Cool.  Now, how do you work these bongos?  Scratch scratch.

Okkar, Maaa Leee Noooooooooo

January 31st, 2009

Moses likes to say his brother’s name.  Sometimes when we’re in the car and Oscar is sleeping, Mo will sing the Oscar Marcelino song at the top of his lungs.

Those blue blobs at the bottom of the frame are Mo’s socks.

Mo on drums

January 12th, 2009

I picked up this great Gretsch kit on Craigslist from a Berkeley High kid who was suffering from teen angst and lost interest in playing.  We set it up in the basement.  Mo gets a little frustrated that he can’t reach the pedals for the hi-hats and the kick drum, but he still has a lot of fun playing.

Oddly enough, he will only perform for immediate family.  The kid’s only two and he already has performance anxiety.  If anyone else is in the room he sorta shuts down and lets the drumsticks fall to the ground.

Block City

January 3rd, 2009

Jojo and Momo have finally reached the age where they can play together.  Too cute.